Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jun 5

The day lilies are blooming!
The day lilies are blooming!
Whenever they bloom it makes me feel grateful to see them again, like old friends.

The old boat required CPR to get it from the launch to the dock, with continuous hand-pumping of fuel from the tank to the motor to keep it running.  Now, docked in view of the day lilies, maybe it will maintain its own pulse the next time it's started.


  1. -While daylilies are very toxic to cats and may lead to kidney failure after flower ingestion, the ASCPA reports that they pose no significant danger to dogs.
    -Moral-Grow more daylilies.

  2. So that's what happened to Kitty!

  3. No. Kitty is at a nice rodent infested farm that grows catnip and yarn balls.
