Monday, August 15, 2011

Mid August

The theme is cherries, as in "Life is just a bowl of..."
I have been waiting for the paperback version of mystery writer Louise Penny's Bury Your Dead for about a month.  My favorite bookstore is going out of business and I did not expect to find the book there.  I went to weigh in, lost weight, strolled by car to the favorite gaunt and failing bookstore, found the paperback misshelved in the F mystery authors.
I did a celebratory dance, drove home, baked cherry cookies
and ate cherry ice cream.
When life gives you a bowl of cherries, participate fully.

1 comment:

  1. -I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.
    Joseph Addison
    -Never give cherries to pigs or advice to fools.
    Irish Proverb
    -When I sound the fairy call,
    Gather here in silent meeting,
    Chin to knee on the orchard wall,
    Cooled with dew and cherries eating.
    Merry, merry, Take a cherry
    Mine are sounder, Mine are rounder
    Mine are sweeter, For the eater
    When the dews fall. And you'll be fairies all.
    Robert Graves
