Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Moisture in the sunrise.  A slow rumbling of distant thunder coming from the west.
Contemplating another hike, a fourth of the way through the peaks over 4,000 feet.
We watched an osprey catch a spiny ray fish yesterday after three other tries of throwing himself onto the water surface.  Which brings up contemplation, dharana, and pain, duhkha, and the rest of the Sanskrit glossary still waiting to be edited.
I fought for the right to keep from elimination jyotishmati, a word from my favorite verse in the Yoga Sutra.  Y.S 1:36  Vishoka va jyotishmati.  Bliss and divine light.  It's what you get when you meditate on the lotus of the heart.  I shall tell that to the osprey as he labors for his dinner.


  1. -Sciatica, sacral infections and weak or injured knees are contra-indications to attempting the posture of the lotus.
    -Zhou Dunyi: "I love the lotus because while growing from mud, it is unstained."
    -Lotus-A jujube plant, referred to in Greek legend as yielding a fruit that induced a state of dreamy and contented forgetfulness in those who ate it.
    -Lotus, a European brand of toilet paper owned by Georgia-Pacific.
    -The law of the unconscious statistician (lotus) is a theorem used to calculate the expected value of a function g(X) of a random variable X when one knows the probability distribution of X but one does not explicitly know the distribution of g(X)....[WTF?]
    -And lastly, redaction in blue...?

  2. Not familiar with redaction in blue...

  3. What you did to your 4000er's list...duh!
    And you are familiar with the Law of the Unconscious Statistician???? Brainiac...

  4. We are all Unconscious Statisticians, keeping score.
