Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nov 13

Meditation this morning produced this picture, now the background on the computer.
The pulk man led by a puffy man heading towards the shadow of Circe in the San Juans in Colorado.  Or was that El Dente?  (I'd prefer a sorceress to a tooth.)
And then the morning coughing erupted.
Chicken soup is in order, and another batch of turkey chili.  And Christmas lights on the American Yew newly trimmed outside the door.  The burning bush is now the brush pile, leaving an unattractive batch of sticks climbing the side of the house.  It's too dark for that picture.


  1. Posting this picture for a recovering pulkist is like setting a pitcher of 18 year old single malt in front of a recovering alcoholic.

  2. That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
    - Neitzsche
    Lana Turner we love you get up
    - Frank O'Hara
    Resist! Step away from the pulk!
