Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

"Groundhog Needs Sunblock"
This is the prediction from the Farmers Almanac.  So much for an early spring.  Tell that to the Nebraskans enjoying 60-70 degree weather.  Or our friend from Venice, FL who texts,"79 here, miss you".  Hope there is enough snow in the San Juan Mountains to ski more and snowshoe less.  The suitcase is already packed sans cookies that are still in the freezer and the red jacket that is here at the lake.  All in good time, just like Punxsutawney Phil, all in good time.
I wonder if there were animal rights activists protesting in PA.


  1. 6" new snow predicted in Ridgway today. Then sunny, then light snow on departure day. Skiing all the way. Shirt sleeves and speedos. Anyway, groundhog don't care...
