Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Permission was granted to open the d-con boxes like a vorpal sword.  This because a flash of brown streaked down the passenger floor mat, between my feet, and into the jump seat.  Jim would have had a heart attack at the high-pitched scream, but, fortunately he was outside and the door was closed.
When I loaded the groceries into the passenger's side a couple days later, this little fellow was "sleeping" on the floor by the seat belt.
Today the airplane is taking me away from the mouse mobile for a week, to swashbuckle in windier and more arid climes.  Blogging to occur whenever possible.


  1. A buckler is a round shield.
    Swash is the noise a sword makes hitting a shield.
    A Swashbuckler is "one who makes menacing noises by striking his or an opponent's shield."
    So just who's buckler do you plan to swash?
    And did you release the sleeping mouse on a nice farm?

  2. Swashing the buckle that shields my insecurities. Farm 1, Mouse 0.
