Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Path Less Traveled

Mt. Adams
Total 10.2 miles, gain 4,500 ft, 9 hr.

This is the path I intended to take.
After a wrong turn less than a mile in, this is the path I took instead.
Beyond steep, poles stowed for rock scrambling, on the Chemin des Dames, Way of the Women, just beyond the King's Ravine. If it were easy, they'd have called it Chemin des Hommes.
Above treeline, very little wind, temps in the 60s, we broke out the sunscreen.
The views were grand, black flies fiercely hungry, and rocks threatening the ankles of any gawkers.  On the summit, I ate my egg mcmuffin while shoeing flies and swiveling 360 degrees. Only one mountain higher in all the state, and that is Washington behind me in this photo.
I came close to Madison, but could not bring myself to climb another rock pile on this day.


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