Thursday, September 27, 2012

17 Years, 5 Months, 17 Days

Daisy May Diega
April, 1995
September, 2012
She was a very good dog.


  1. "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." Roger Caras
    "Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives."
    John Galsworthy
    I will remember Daisy as the hurtling ball of fur pounding down the back steps time and time again in the frenzied pursuit of the tennis ball. It still brings a smile to my face.

  2. They are our best friends, a sounding board to our joys and disappointments. They give unconditional love and trust with just a look or the wag of their tail. In memory of Daisy May Diega.
