Monday, March 7, 2011

Mar 7

It is time to sow poppy seeds in the snow.

Rain, estimated at 2-3 inches, fell all night, filling the tributary to Love Brook. The rivulets ran under the ice in the driveway, melting, melting.

The dogwood is budding even though the tree trunk is still under a foot of snow.

Yay, I say.

1 comment:

  1. Fraternal Fore-Warnings...
    Don't eat poppy seed bagels before a urine test.
    Don't leave your cake out in the rain.
    Don't ride a snow machine on the lake when the rivulets are running.
    Don't plant a pussy willow next to a dogwood.
    Don't say yay before your buds bloom.
    And you don't mess around with Jim.
