Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The morning started with a drive, then a bushwhack along the Little River. Below freezing at night, the thought of a walk in the water was not too appealing.
But the river crossing was a shimmy on a fallen tree, no water shoes required.
The walk was three and a half hours up, with a snow monorail, some ice, and a beautiful view waiting at the top of North Twin Mountain, 4761 ft.
There in the background were the spikey peaks of Flume and Liberty, and Franconia Ridge with Lincoln and Lafayette. Galehead is in the foreground and Galehead Hut is just visible in the col as a little white dot.
After the Egg McMuffin and hot cocoa,
another descent 
and climb up
this time to South Twin, 4902 ft.
The views were even more stunning there with Lincoln, Lafayette, and Garfield on the horizon. These are peaks yet to come.
Startled by the view of Mt. Washington on the way down, I used up my memory card before heading down the last 4 miles.
All told, 11.2 miles, 7 hr and 30 min, two peaks over 4,000 feet, and a week's worth of activity points.

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