Monday, June 21, 2010


"Summer, a fat horse, tender against the spurs" Wm Kloefkorn

A recipe sent by a recluse who secretly wishes to be a warlock.
Although this will be made with all the true ingredients, it kinda makes one want to add tincture of ticks and ants in honor of the summer cauldron. Today promises hazy, hot and humid. And dreaming of what you don't have, like winter, won't help. Which brings me to cake. The reason it's been on my mind is just that; dreaming what I don't have.

This book contains no SUGAR!

Well, carrying the least amount of weight while hiking at altitude, got me to thinking about high protein, low carbohydrates to drop pounds. Hence the South Beach Diet. And, cake came up on Day 3. It is now Day 11. Climbing Pleasant Mountain is not easy without sugar. In fact, it's near impossible, and I'd like to discourage myself from trying it again. But it's summer, a fat horse, tender against the spurs. And muscles require fuel, and fuel most readily accessible is sugar. Get going, girl.

Knock Knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock Knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock Knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

This should be the last cake entry for those who tire of obsessive behavior.

Happy Summer. May you live happily in the fullness of the season.

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