Saturday, September 18, 2010

Murder at the Ashram

Friends who live at the ashram suggest that a murder mystery based here might make a good novel, depending on the clues. It was the doctor with the scalpel in the bookstore.

Most of the permanent residents of the ashram have a poor opinion of the traditional medical field. Actually, that may be true of most of the permanent residents of earth. Aside from those in the traditional medical field.

It is always curious to hear disparaging remarks about physicians and their obssesive drug-prescribing ways, and then to see the ashram's pharmacy on the second floor at the ashram.

Books and homeopathic drugs are prevalent. Telephones and televisions are not. Netflix is popular among the residents. Gossip is rampant. The summer harvest is plentiful. The vegetarian food is splendid. The ten-syllable mantra was worth the drive.


  1. What does a permanent resident of an ashram do? Do any ever retreat the retreat back to the corporeal? Ever indulge in a Big Mac? Dutifully dispense duck grass? I got no beef with them ashrami's, but I am curious about what they have done in this world to earn their self-indulgence. Maybe I'm missing something.

  2. What is duck grass? I had never thought of ashramis as self indulgent.
