Monday, September 20, 2010

Sep 20

Jimmy retrieved a magnifying glass from his man purse and used it to study a photograph of retirees from his local union. He lookedat the same picture for almost half an hour and didn't realize he was being photographed himself.

I could have used that magnifier to study a big bag of an insect that he found and brought into the house. This morning I thought of all those collections of bugs in the downstairs closets of my youth, pins stuck through thoraxes securing them to the oak tag cardboards, a vague smell of lighter fluid around the closet, and paper labels of lepidoptera and hymenoptera in disarray on the floor. Jim wonders why I scream when I see an ant unexpectedly. It's the crawling that bugs me.


  1. he writing a book? "My Socialist Buddies and Me and How We Built the Country We Now Shall Tear Down and You Can't Stop Us You Tea-Party Fascists!!! (A Pictorial Memoir for the Literacy Challenged)" or some such.

  2. Are those some loose screws on BFF's doily?
