Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 15

It was a good and easy birthday hike to the top of Ossipee Hill. The old fire tower has been torn down and a cell tower stands in its place. Two OTT workers were manhandling a bucket truck, trying to attach wire to a new pole on a steep part of the trail.

There were many mobile calls during the walk; calls of good wishes, happy days and questions regarding cake. For breakfast we had German chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. For lunch it was hot cocoa and string cheese at the top of the Hill. For supper it was ice cream cake. So where are my presents?

1 comment:

  1. On behalf of the well-wishers, I would deign to apologize for the dearth of presents. We thought that YOU were the gift to US. Incense and myrrh shall be gathered and are forthcoming.
