Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct 9

Yesterday a little Ganesha package was mailed, requiring a review of the Sanskrit alphabet for the consonants G, N and SH and the vowel E (pronounced A).

There is surely a way to put the Sanskrit alphabet in this blog. Just haven't figured it out yet.

Moving on; today relation from Iowa are meeting me at the Maine Wildlife Park so they can be assured of seeing a moose during their short visit. How would you say Moose in Sanskrit? Melinda gave me a huge 10-pound Sanskrit dictionary while on one of my visits to NE. It was tough packing in the 50-pound suitcase. There's Moola: The lowest part or bottom of anything; the basis, foundation or origin. There's Moosh: a thief, a mouse.

M-OO-S. And what does it mean? A big ol' can a whoopass.


  1. There is a reason why some languages die. But I suppose there is a reason why there are some who continue to poke at the corpse. It's Geek to me.

  2. Retired Pathologist corpse poker.

  3. Retired? More like recovering...
