Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mar 12

I have been chewing on a problem lately involving money. But of course the problem was not money. It was really the feelings around the money problem including scarcity, dishonor, mistrust, disrespect, dirt, and disease. It was a thorn under my skin and I didn't know if the problem was going to be dug out, allowed to fester, or just wall up and granulate over.

So I put everything "out there" and surrendered it. And now, according to The Course in Miracles, "The hush of heaven holds my heart today. still today! How quietly do all things fall in place!" And the thorn becomes a daffodil and is reminding me it's close to spring.

1 comment:

    Money, get away
    Get a good job with more pay
    And your O.K.
    Money, it's a gas
    Grab that cash with both hands
    And make a stash
    New car, caviar, four star daydream
    Think I'll buy me a football team
    Money get back
    I'm all right Jack
    Keep your hands off my stack
    Money, it's a hit
    Don't give me that
    Do goody good bullshit
    I'm in the hi-fidelity
    First class traveling set
    And I think I need a Lear jet
    Money, it's a crime
    Share it fairly
    But don't take a slice of my pie
    Money, so they say
    Is the root of all evil
    But if you ask for a rise
    It's no surprise that they're
    Giving none away
