Friday, March 18, 2011

Mar 18

The Sandhill cranes' spring flyway necks down through Nebraska between about 100 miles of river. We drove by this stretch yesterday and stopped at the Rowe Sanctuary, a place that Melinda designed and had built with straw bales.
Some romanticists say the birds have a call like, "Curlew, curlew."

I think it sounds more like, "Gak, gak."

Today we are heading to the middle of Iowa, where Auntie turns 91 on the 19th. A palindrome of numbers. We are sure to have beef, corn, potatoes, gravy and birthday cake. :D

1 comment:

  1. If the plains wolf winds huff and puff, will the straw house blow down? And there is more of a trill in the crane gak-ak-ak-ak.
