Monday, April 11, 2011

Apr 11

A few days with temperatures of 50 degrees or better have made the snow nearly disappear. The redwing blackbirds have returned. The robins never really left, those dopes. The geese are flying. The ground is loosening up for the moles to make their humpy mounds. The morning is rife with song. Too bad the recording is so quiet.

1 comment:

  1. ash, ashen, battleship, cinereal, clouded, dingy, dove, drab, dusky, dusty, granite, heather, iron, lead, leaden, livid, mousy, neutral, oyster, pearly, peppery, powder, sere, shaded, silvered, silvery, slate, smoky, somber, stone, charcoal, cool, dun, favillous, fuscous (hee-hee), grey, grizzled, grizzly, lyart, platinum, plumbaceous, sad, sand, shistaceous
