Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16

Raktabija was one of the Hindu demons who rose up to battle the gods. His name means Blood Seed. A thousand demons sprung up from the spilling to earth of one drop of his blood. Imagine the battlefield, the horror! You'd better not lop off his head or chop off any limb because you'd have a million more demons to contend with.

Kaali was summoned and drank all the blood of the Raktabijas while they were killed at battle, before any blood reached the ground. She saved the day, the fierce and bloodthirsty Goddess of Destruction and Darkness.

This morning a sneering picture of Raktabija was hanging on the walls of all my cells. Not good. For Raktabija, that is. Steak for breakfast, blood pudding for lunch and blood sausage for supper. And not a drop was spilled. But was that steak, or cake? Blood pudding or chocolate pudding? Blood sausage or Polish sausage?

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