The fuel valve must be open. "Open wide, thanks."
The fuel strainer must be operative to keep the gunk out of the fuel. Liver, spleen, intestines and kidneys in working order.
Carburetor, carburetor...
The carburetor is the reservoir that serves two purposes. First it increases the speed of airflow through a restriction (venturi) and second, it draws the fuel into the flowing airstream. The airplane needs an air to fuel ratio of 15 to 1. More than that, it's leaned. Less than that, it's rich.
Of course this means to get lean what is required is more breathing, less eating. Duh, brilliant.
Hikers need somehow to compress the air at altitude to better mix with the fuel and provide combustion. Forced compressed air. Turbo charge!! Hyperventilation and breath holding, or bottled oxygen and a positive pressure breathing system. That's it, I've exhausted my fuel.

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