"Oh, are you going to the nudist colony again?" ask my friends who have never gone to Pennsylvania.
"It's an ashram. I'm going to meditate," I tell them.
"So, you're driving 700 miles to get 2 syllables of a mantra? Hope it's worth it." says manfriend.
"What is she going to do?" asks a neighbor, grabbing a bottle of wine out of our fridge and pouring a glass.
"I don't know. She never tells me anything," says manfriend who swigs from a large cup of coffee.
In a deep sonorous voice I say,"Cast not your pearls before swine."

They both groan in protest. I've called my best friends pigs and was secretly pleased and then horrified that I had done so. It looks to me like I need the ashram for attitude adjustment.
They both groan in protest. I've called my best friends pigs and was secretly pleased and then horrified that I had done so. It looks to me like I need the ashram for attitude adjustment.
So you disrobe? Unencumbered by human trappings? No red lingerie? ewww. Do the ladies shave? Do the men bathe? ewww. Do you peek?