Friday, September 10, 2010

Shooting Rats at the Dump

The car trunk is in possession of a large box filled with cardboard tubes weighted with cement, old 24-shot purple passions, rockets of green paislies and assorted detritus of explosive devices from the Fourth of July. That, plus an old cat piss carpet, wicker lampshades, books, T shirts that are perfectly too small, and a cracked 30 gallon plastic jug for hunting camp water are all heading out to a better place. Better, that is, than the boat house or the entryway to camp.

Earlier in the morning, before the sun came up, I spotted a gray pointy-nosed rodent heading towards the crawlspace under the house. It was the size of a large chinchilla, with a bushy tail. I hope it was a squirrel, and not a water rat. Bushy tail gives me that hope. Please, please, please, don't be a dump rat or a mutant toxic black mold squirrat!

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