Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jul 27

What if you thought someone was wrong but she was actually right?
What if you vigorously disagreed with another but put yourself in her shoes and saw through her eyes?
Duality. One solid, one reflective. Which is illusion?

When was the last time you saw someone enter and light up a room?
When was the last time you lit up a room?
When was the last time you darkened a doorway?


  1. 1. I wouldn't admit it. Just quietly change the subject.
    2. Can't wear another's shoes. Eew. Empathy quotient low. Seen too much with mine own eyes to believe someone else's.
    3. Today.
    4. Today.
    5. Today.

  2. Duality. Try diving off the crumbling retaining wall into the side of your boathouse.
