Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jul 30

Two notable events: (1)  Jim's arm swelled up like Popeye when yellowjackets stung him.  He held the mother of all yellowjackets, the string trimmer, and tried to mow down the weeds next to the bricks lining the daylilies.  He found a yellowjacket nest instead.  I couldn't get close enough to show the furious wasps trying to sting the trimmer where Jim dropped it and ran away.
(2)  I researched hikes in the White Mountains and looked at peaks of 4,000 feet to climb.  Laughed when I saw the newspaper clipping from the recent trip to Colorado and the long list of mountains at 14,000 feet.  Bloom where you're planted, Auntie Lois says.  It was exhausting just doing the research.
Shaking my fist at Mr. Death, I'm renting a red convertible and driving to the top.

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