Monday, October 17, 2011

Oct 17

Shiva, the God of destruction, is said to ride a black dog and is often accompanied by dogs.
Durga, the warrior goddess, is honored in Varanasi in a red temple that absolutely pulsates just like a heartbeat.  She is said to ride a tiger and her consort is Bhairav, the fierce aspect of Shiva, riding his black dog.
Sunrise on the Ganga in Varanasi looks amazingly like sunset on the Ganga in Allahabad, some 75 miles away.
 The Lotus Temple in Delhi was clean, well organized and peaceful.
 Sunset on the Ganga from the sacred grove outside of Allahabad.
And the sweet Lalitha temple near Manikarnika Ghat in Varanasi provided comfort.  All the temples demonstrated different energy depending on the time of day, the entity enshrined and celebrated, the crowd, the number of dogs.  Photography is not allowed in most of the central altars of active shrines.  Mostly I did not sneak pictures, caught up as we were in the high energy of the moment, the bell clanging, the clapping, the monkeys, the glittering saris, the dogs in shadow, the priests with prasad, the whiskey, the rupees, the red powder, the heat, the fantastical appearances of hindrances and helpers.

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