Sunday, June 17, 2012

Two Tripyramids

N. Tripyramid, 4180 feet and Mid. Tripyramid, 4140 feet
11.4 miles, 7 hours
This was a hike with long cool leafy stretches
interrupted by 7 Sabbaday Brook crossings,
and a very rocky climb beginning in the middle.
On the way up I was so intent on the rocky ground that I missed seeing this tree. It bonked me so hard on the crown of the head that my upper teeth hurt for the rest of the hike.
The summits of both peaks were in the trees and buggy but I managed to look at leisure.
One viewpoint showed the Waterville Valley ski area.
Peaks Number 37 and 38, 1 tree head-bonk, 0 wet feet.

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