Friday, July 20, 2012

Caps Ridge Trail

Yesterday I drove on a road through the hills, through Crawford Notch, to the trailhead with the highest elevation in the White Mountains, Caps Ridge Trailhead.
From the trailhead the path led up a narrow ridge,
scrambling up three rock faces (caps),
and finally up and across a half mile boulder field.
At the top I found the pin that marked the summit of Mt. Jefferson, 5712 feet.
Then I had lunch with Pete, a nice man who shared the wind break.
He talked about climbing ravine trails and having a fear of heights, always carrying iodine tablets in case he ran out of water or clogged his water filter. This while eating slices of pepperoni and cheese and watching the line of tourist cars drive up to the top of Mt. Washington.
On the way down, it is always amazing how high I climbed, over what rocks and difficult handholds,
and how much I missed on the way up.

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