Friday, July 27, 2012

Part 3, Colorado

Group dynamics; who knows how decisions are made? We decide to go on to the highest camp even though it is a couple miles further, it adds a couple miles to our trek tomorrow, it is more exposed, and it is uphill from here. Even now it appears that altitude was fogging our thought process.
It starts raining right when we are the most tired and discouraged. We duck into a grove of pines and wait out the showers.
At camp two, which is beautifully perched beneath high rocks, we miss supper because of thunder, lightning and torrential rain in waves all night long. Mike reads with his vision-sparing red night light in the tent next door. It is comforting and I snap a nonflash photo in one of the storm's lulls.
The next day the sun shows itself and the air is crisp. We pack up, discard the congealed supper, and head downhill while we can, for more substantial cover from the weather.

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