Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jan 15

Twice in the night Daisy wanted to go outside.
Coat over pjs,
wool hat,
slip-on shoes with no socks,
out into the 1 degree night,
no wind,
Orion above,
the snow crunching like gunshots underfoot.
Both times she stands in the snow
and stares into the woods.
She forgets where she is.
She's cold.
She climbs back onto the porch wanting in.
She hasn't done what she set out to do.
Now she wants her night time treat.
So do I.
Ah, to do what you want to do, (go to bed)
To avoid doing what you do not wish to do, (harm Daisy)
To undo that which you have already done, (dressed for winter)
And a fourth tenet that I seem to have forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. To confront what needs to be done and gracefully do it.
