Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jan 5

One of the characters, Bharavi, is a Fire Goddess in the Hindu realm. She really would like to go for an airplane ride, but smoke curls off her shoulders when she's stressed. And what if the flight attendants thought there was a fire on the aircraft? What then?
For Christmas, the novelist received this card holder that looks more like a cigarette holder. Maybe this was for Bharavi.

1 comment:

  1. What a unique gift. In researching Bharavi (which means "luster of the sun", an appropriate name for a Fire Goddess), he was described as a 6th century CE poet of southern India. This nudged an interest in the roots of CE. Meaning Common Era, or Current Era or Christian Era, it is equivalent to AD. Just more culturally sensitive. Except for the fact it starts at the same point as AD. Also known as the Vulgar Era, vulgar referring to common folks, as opposed to royalty. It is good to live in the Era of Vulgarity. Ce also refers to cesium, which stimulated an interest in the Table of Elements. Once a simple and understandable diagram of my childhood, it has evolved into a complex and weird collection of primordial, decayed and synthetic elements. It is at this point that the little voice behind my left ear is saying "make it stop"...
    Oh yeah, pretty thin cigarettes needed to fit in your pretty card holder...
