Friday, January 28, 2011

Jan 28

Clarity, certainty, contentment, compassion, and cash.

These were five c's from this morning, writing by candlelight. (Oh, another c for candlelight. But that's too many for this blog. Choose just enough points to count on one hand. Otherwise, you'll forget your points. Some days there must be just two fingers on one hand, for that's as good as the memory gets. Two out of three or three out of five.)

But the point is, there were 5 points this morning. It made me think of diamonds. So I retrieved my diamond from the jewelry box and wrote this wearing a diamond. Of the 5 c's of a diamond, I could remember only carat and clarity. How you doin'?


  1. Buddhist Code of Ethics
    The Five Precepts
    1. I undertake to abstain from taking life.
    2. I undertake to abstain from taking what is not given.
    3. I undertake to abstain from sexual misconduct.
    4. I undertake to abstain from false speech.
    5. I undertake to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness.
    The hand I hold now has but one finger....guess I'm not doin' so well...

  2. Cut and color. Only 4 C's. Guess you could add carbon.
    Dodge Diamond Days...remember the encapsulated Ferris wheel contraption ride from Hell...good times

  3. Your first comment brings to mind a single finger held up towards the Buddhists like logger Hank Stamper's severed arm lashed to a tree, a single finger tied upright. But I can't see you with any fingers. One might say, "You lying, thieving, besotted, lecherous killer, you!"
    In the second comment, you've forgotten certificate, the 5th C. What was that evil, terror-inducing whirling carnival ride that made me scream and cry? It was the only time I've seen you speechless.

  4. 1. I am not lecherous.
    2. I wasn't speechless. I was dumbfounded with vertiginous fear.
    3. The name of the evil ride has been sublimated to the file-o-horror in my hind-brain.

  5. Oh Sky!!! You have opened the file!!! jibber-jibber-jibber...
