Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgment Day

My friend David reminded me about a new Judgment Day.  I resolved to avoid all those sites that misspelled Judgment.  The satellites' signals did not reach the lake this morning due to dense fog.  Day 7 of clouds and fog, visibility 300 ft.  Maybe the day will include fire to burn off this cold and damp.  Today I am running a 5K race before the end of the world.  And then tomorrow I'll cancel the "rapture insurance" as per Philly News.


  1. Actually, the word can be spelled either with or without the extra 'e', the version WITH that e is the old English spelling. :)

  2. The old English is wrong. Wrong! WRONG!!

  3. Shhh! Calm down or she'll make you play school marm/bad speller...oh, wait...never mind...

  4. Wow, those Bruce genes we know and love are in high gear, huh, guys? LOL
