Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16

Day before yesterday I found FOUR 4-leaf clovers!  All in the span of 5 minutes during the morning walk in the tree nursery.  Jim and I attended a housewarming party in the afternoon, so along with the brass Buddha gift Jim ordered online, the lucky couple received these clovers.
While there, a group of us walked to the top of the property to view the surrounding hills and towers.  Peter took this picture of me while I was reaching for the gun concealed in my purse.  He's sorry now.
The following words taken from The Wounded Land made for a good start of 30 days to a better vocabulary:
Chrism - oil for annointing
Lambent - skimming the surface gracefully
Telic - purposeful
Glaive - broadsword
Mephitic - noxious, bad-smelling
Preterite - expressing past action
Nacreous - lustrous, iridescent
Eldritch - eerie

1 comment:

  1. In reading the first Chronicles trilogy, though enjoying the transport to a radically new world of fantasy, I tired to the seemingly non-stop use of words and terms needing looking up. Was younger then, and just wanted to be entertained. Have avoided the second and third series out of weariness of the unrelenting dyspepsia of the protagonist. Too close to home?
