Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28

My favorite places are those where someone has purposely cultivated beauty, but anonymously.  Like tulips on the corner, or a lilac bush along the fence row.
The shopping adventure was successful except for the red bra.  No red for this summer season to come.  But the turquoises were sparkly.
At Cabela's I stood in line with my bug dope and the man in front of me was buying a nice fish pole and carrier on sale.  Too bad my hiking buddies quit fishing.  Last year on the trail those wild trout were mighty tasty.  Less than six weeks to a train trek north of Durango, jumping off the train and hike, hike, hiking.  Sssweeet!

1 comment:

  1. After careful consideration and an adequate dosing of single malt and the realization that this may be the final hurrah before the 2012 apocalypse, your hiking buds have sprung for fishing licenses once again...
