Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan 2

Udana jayaj jala panka kantakadishvasanga utkrantis cha.
Y.S. 3.40
By gaining mastery over the upward moving energy, one can successfully levitate over water, swamps, thorns, and the like, and leave the body at will.

Photo by Matt Sartain
Disruptions in the upward moving energy include coughing and sneezing.  Recently I have been doing that a lot.  The lightness of being is playing coy, avoiding this watery, phlegmy space.  My chest sometimes feels like it's slogging through swamps and thorns, unable to dance or breathe.  Gaining mastery is fine, but how does one go about it?  This week I am eliminating wheat and gluten from the diet.  Maybe next week I'll levitate.


  1. Danger Jill Robinson! Should your mastery of the forces of gravity deviate just a tiny bit, you may end up on Uranus, the planet of the flippant and ground-bound Aquarians.

  2. Are there wheat crackers and bread on Uranus? (Hee hee)

  3. Butt of course, with chunky peanut butter. (hee hee)
