Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, are classified as either blue bloaters or pink puffers.  Blue because of diminished oxygen-carrying capacity of the lungs.  Pink because of normal oxygenation.  Anecdotally, the blue bloaters, despite having little oxygen, tend to talk.  A lot.  Little roly poly people with little reserve to talk, still they talk, and gab, and fill the air with their words.  Wonder why that is.  And where all those words come from.
Any why the words of this entry do not fit the picture of the treasure found in the drawer yesterday.  Sweet!  There will be stickers on all the light switches, the refrigerator, envelopes, doorways, lamps, chairs, cars, breakfast plates, airplane, and flight log books.  For today is Jim's biannual flight review, overseen by his personal flight instructor.  Goob Luck!

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