Monday, November 1, 2010

Rabbit Rabbit!

It is the first of a gray month, least favorite of all months. Well, maybe tied with February. My favorite flight instructor turns 30 this month. It's election time, Thanksgiving, time to take the floats off the plane, probably the first snow, time to move the picnic table and chairs in for shelter. The leaves are all blowing off the trees and the deeper woods are now open for viewing. Even the loons are gray. Or is that grey?

1 comment:

  1. November is anniversary month, opening month of pheasant seasons past, geese are tumbling in from the North, air is crisp, pollen is gone...
    February is birthday month, days are lengthening, Valentine's Day is nigh, skiing is grand, chili is on the menu...
    Methinks your favorites list is askew...
