Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feb 27

Good morning!

Another two inches of snow overnight,
on top of what fell yesterday.
This is like counting the recent pounds showing up on the scale.
But like spring snow, this weight will melt quickly.
(Because God, Angels and the Miraculous are on my side,
enlightened, weightless, ethereal without gravity)

Today my job is to buy a beautiful place mat,
napkin, dinner setting, fine utensils, a glass and candles.
And one perfect fruit.
Aw Jeez, will that be a mango, a pomegranate,
a cluster of grapes, a banana?


  1. Today's Pop Quiz
    Who do you know exhibits most or all of the following traits? Multiple answers are acceptable. Your work will be checked!

    -The primary symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, not to be confused with OCD, are a preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization, and schedules; being very rigid and inflexible in their beliefs; showing perfectionism that interferes with completing a task; excessive focus on being productive with their time; being very conscientious; having inflexible morality, ethics, or values; hoarding items that may no longer have value; and a reluctance to trust a work assignment or task to someone else for fear that their standards will not be met.

    -The Apple brand name was created because Steve Jobs worked on an apple farm and believed apples to be the perfect fruit.

  2. Hmmm. Sounds an awful lot like:
    1. my brother,
    2. an old secretary,
    3. an old flight instructor,and
    4. Judge Judy.
    But as long as it doesn't interfere with their happiness, have at it!

  3. OCPD is ego syntonic—marked by the person's acceptance that the characteristics displayed as a result of this disorder are compatible with his or her self-image.
    People with OCPD tend to derive pleasure from their obsessions or compulsions.
    People with OCPD are not aware of anything abnormal about themselves; they will readily explain why their actions are rational, and it is usually impossible to convince them otherwise.
    Your answer is good, but it seems that one person has been left off the list. Hint - initials are JJB, MD
