Tuesday, February 22, 2011

GW's BDay

What a coincidence!
The turkeys have come to visit and it's George Washington's Birthday!

The turkeys eat sunflower seeds, not cherries. They don't have wooden teeth. The hens don't sew flags. And they scatter like chickens when you go to greet them.

1 comment:

  1. -Not sure what turkeys have to do with George Washington. It was Ben Franklin who wanted them as the national bird.
    -G.W. never had wooden teeth. They were made of a base of hippopotamus ivory embedded with human and animal teeth.
    -George was born on Feb 11, 1731 on the Julian calendar in use at the time. On the Gregorian calendar, adopted in 1752, he was born Feb 22, 1732.
    -A group of turkeys is called a rafter. They are cunning and cautious, and run and fly at the approach of a greeter.
    -Turkeys are omnivores, and have been known to eat lizards and snakes.
    -Hens don't sew flags, but do respond to the Tom's flag tail in an adult manner (wink-wink).
    -Coincidence? Deepak Chopra and other proponents of ancient Vedic spiritual and other mystical teachings insist on the view that there is absolutely no coincidence in the world. Everything that occurs can be related to a prior cause or association, no matter how vast or how minute and trivial. All is affected by something related to it that is seen or unseen, cognized or unknowable.
    -Synchronicity, described by Carl Jung, is the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner.
    -One of Jung's favourite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards".
