Friday, September 2, 2011

Louise Penny and Mt. Washington

Louise Penny attended her new murder mystery book launch last Tuesday in neighboring New Hampshire.  She was elegant, funny, engaging, tall, and draped in lots of loose moveable clothing.  A book signing was a brand new experience for me, like being a groupie.  Trick of the Light must be her seventh book.
Meanwhile, Mts Monroe and Washington also kept me entertained along with the new book.
Seventh book, seven hours hiking.
The signage was clear on the Amonoosuc Ravine Trail.  Just missed one turn.
Above treeline it was ankle-turning rocky and a missed turn here would mean, yikes.
Clouds pressed down on the tops of the mountains like one of those enclosed rooms that threatens to squeeze and crush James Bond.
But James Bond always prevails and reaches the most unlikely of summits.  The highest point in the east is said to have the worst weather on the open ridges.  On this day the wind was forecasted to be 15 mph, with gusts to 50 mph.  It was much quieter than that.
Sometimes, looking at these pictures, it is difficult to believe that I have been to these places.  But then again, I write fiction too.


  1. I wondered if you'd go to her signing, you lucky thing! I have Trick of Light on my kindle and can't wait to dive into it. Sounds like she's as gracious in person as in her blogs. I'm jealous!

  2. Her signed book is for you, as soon as we're done reading it!

  3. Well, ok, then, LOL! Did you tell her who it was for and ask her if she remembers Bookoholics?
