Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sep 14

Just suppose you were 100% responsible for everything that happened to you.  That's the first premise.
Then what?
See what happens.
Okay.  Here's what happened.  The price doubled when the 'Purchase' button was clicked.  The flight was sold out.  The computer froze.  The credit card was at its limit and wouldn't be accepted.  There was a 'malicious' virus in the financial software.  The computer wouldn't reboot because a program was missing.  A restore was required on the computer before it would work.
Wow.  That's a lot of resistance.  How'd that feel?
Exhausting!  How about if I blame the computer just a little bit?
No deal.  All or nothing at all.  100% responsible.  I'd suggest you have a look at your beliefs about money.
I heard that.  You'll wish you hadn't said it.  Now let's see what happens.
Oops...Jerk Dancing

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