Friday, September 30, 2011

Sep 30

The five afflictions include avidya, asmita, raga, dvesha, and abinivesha, that is, ignorance, ego, attachment, aversion, and fear of death.  All of them are rearing their heads for this upcoming trip. 
What is appropriate clothing?
Will they like me?
The big suitcase is a requirement for all my belongings.
Not curry again!
What if I don't make it back to this blog?


  1. Dibs on the, have a safe voyage....

  2. Jack-stones and knuckle bones...
    The game of jacks was first played with pigs' knuckle bones, then small stones called dibstones, which morphed into dibs, the right of first refusal.

  3. Dibs (also "bagsy", 'shotgun', and other variants) is a common, "informal" convention to reserve or declare full or partial ownership of a community resource, such as a chair; Furthermore it is a common way to call coital partners to settle disputes between friends.
    A common way to call coital partners? WTF!
