Monday, December 12, 2011

Dec 12

Flying out of Boston for
a December wedding on the beach, with colors of turquoise and coral.
The wedding was an hour before sunset, and the rain mostly stayed offshore. 
The vows were spoken.
The witnesses gathered.
And of course, there was the cake.
In my mind I was sure it would be, you know, Florida, and I could be ever so cool and mature about it being just another place.
But it was the walk alone last night on the cool sands with the tide rolling in that completed the seduction of the heart.  I know now why all our New England friends are deserting the northeast.


  1. I'll be missing you if you don't return. I think.

  2. Highest point in Florida, 345'. What are you gonna do? Summit all the 300's? The air is heavier there and you would weigh more. Flatlanders don't live very long and have cooties. A siren song is pretty, but the hurricane will come...step away from the beach...
