Friday, December 30, 2011

Dec 30

Tidying up before the year turns its page, the five bad attitudes of aviation rear up:
Resignation; "What's the use?"
Invulnerability; "It won't happen to me."
Impulsivity; "Do something quickly!"
Macho;  "I can do it."
Antiauthority; "Don't tell me!" (how to live my life).

And of course, like snake venom, there is an antidote to each bite of bad attitude.  The first antidote is acceptable; "I'm not helpless.  I can make a difference."
But I don't like the last four;
"It could happen to me."
"Not so fast.  Think first."
"Taking chances is foolish."
"Follow the rules.  They are usually right."
ATC to the rescue

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