Monday, October 22, 2012

Occupy Blogspot

There was a photograph waiting to be taken.
It was a little red truck carrying a pumpkin worthy of enrollment in the state fair. The pumpkin occupied more than half of the truck bed. Surrounding the truck were various sizes and colors of pumpkins, accompanied by a large handwritten for-sale sign. We drove around the traffic circle twice to take pictures from each side.
You would have been able to see this photograph here if only the picture memory had not exceeded 1 GB.
Another photograph might have made it onto this page too, that of the rescued green ditty bag, recaptured at 2744 feet, 1.5 miles up, during a rehiking and rehashing of Old Speck .
Perhaps it is time to move on to another blog site, this time on Wordpress. Or maybe the 50K-words-in-a-month site will be just that. Words. You'll be the first to know.

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