Friday, October 29, 2010


The Weighty Issue of Having Enough
Is That Fish We're Having for Dinner?

There is a great deal of difference between "I have enough!" and "I have had enough!".

In having enough there is a sense of expansive contentment and satisfaction that spreads out like a comforter on the world.

Having had enough is a constricted fist of frustration, an unpleasant limitation leading to black eye, headache, backache, overweight, depression and anger. In that sense of frustration, there is a feeling of being "had". This is not to be confused with haddock or having haddock.

What would be the difference between saying, "I have had haddock" and "I have had enough"? Not to mention the phrase, "I have had enough haddock, bring on the red meat."

I am contented to have enough haddock and hamburger for dinner. You're invited.

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