Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jimmy's Birthday

The Wendell Foss was a working tugboat out of Lake Washington. During one of the boat parades in Seattle, we witnessed the Wendell Foss do a 360 degree turn in the Montlake Cut. There was maybe a foot to spare on either end of the tugboat, people crowding the shoreline and road crossing the water, thundering applause, engines straining forwards and back, flags waving. Jim still talks about the Wendell Foss, and that happened a few years back. Like 22 years back.

Today we'll go for an airplane ride, eat donuts and breakfast sandwiches and read thrillers by the fire.


  1. Happy Birthday to Jimmy, and congrats on his great memory. ;-)

  2. Two Libra's in one family? Good luck with that. Happy day bff.

  3. Well, Tom, we have 2 Libras, too. :D AND 3 Aquarius.... = :- O
