Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wake Up!

At Boston Logan there's a new display next to the shoeshine booth. Some days one needs a cuppa this big to greet the day.

My mother-in-law is said to have drug her children out of bed, grabbing onto a toe sticking out from the bedcovers, and reciting this little ditty:
Rise and shine,
Up and att'em,
Greet the new day!
Another wake up call from an old boyfriend is:
Sleep not sluggard's sleep,
Plow long and plow deep,
And you shall have corn to sell and corn to keep
That lasted about 3 months. I mean, really, corn?

One of the most memorable wakeup calls I received was while sleeping at a sponsor's home for a summer softball tournament in Laramie, Wyoming. There was an intercom system before it was a common thing for a home to be wired. A little before the appropriate time, the speakers in the guest bedroom pounded with the strains of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and the scent of bacon floated down the stairs. Marvelous!

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