Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct 28

A Concussion Symposium!
Received in the form of a postcard, this beautiful pastel PET scan image shows the delicate brain folds and the frondy form of the cerebellum. Everything looks to be in order, except for that red nasal cavity and bloody lip. Is it simply an overzealous use of red?
This is what happened. The man was imitating Maurice Chevalier singing, "Sank heaven for leetle girls, For leetle girls get bigger every day..." Repeadtedly. Ad nauseum. A knuckle split his lip after he ignored warnings to shut up, stop singing, give it a rest. Alcohol was a factor. The next morning he did not know why everyone ignored him, seemed angry with him, or why he had a fat lip. All he knew was his head ached, he had the brown bottle flu, and it hurt to smile.

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