Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Jan 30
I am going on Holiday for 2 weeks. This blog is going to rest. Tomorrow there will just be a picture of a clock, keeping time until my return.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Jan 29
Friday, January 28, 2011
Jan 28
Clarity, certainty, contentment, compassion, and cash.
These were five c's from this morning, writing by candlelight. (Oh, another c for candlelight. But that's too many for this blog. Choose just enough points to count on one hand. Otherwise, you'll forget your points. Some days there must be just two fingers on one hand, for that's as good as the memory gets. Two out of three or three out of five.)
But the point is, there were 5 points this morning. It made me think of diamonds. So I retrieved my diamond from the jewelry box and wrote this wearing a diamond. Of the 5 c's of a diamond, I could remember only carat and clarity. How you doin'?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Jan 27
Buddha has been lackadaisical about the approaching ski trip, not yet packed, casting goofy glances at the weight bench, scoffing at the treadmill. Maybe it's Buddha's turn to be carried this trip. Maybe Buddha better get his butt in gear instead and seal those boots, tote that pulk, lift that pack. NO PULKS ALLOWED, BUDDHA! Just exactly which one of you is the Buddha?
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jan 25
Monday, January 24, 2011
Jan 24
Gary Larson had a cartoon that depicted the Vat for the Unpleasant, and the Vat for Those Who Don't Brush Their Teeth. Imagine mingling with those vat inhabitants and finding that they are you. No, that imagining is not going to happen. Instead, make an action plan to xc ski. Ski away from the Vats and into the woods, then down the hill towards the pond and across the bridge to the clover field buried in snow.

Someone on a ski machine could not get away from one of the Vats, the Vat for the Insulated Slushy Water On Top of the Ice and Beneath the Snow.
Someone on a ski machine could not get away from one of the Vats, the Vat for the Insulated Slushy Water On Top of the Ice and Beneath the Snow.
How can there be water anywhere when it's -11 degrees Fahrenheit?
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love and a stomach full of garlic. Which means throat, breath, and skin full of garlic. Garlic in the pores. Garlic toxicity from Dante's. One would assume that Aquarius, the water bearer, possesses enough water to douse the fire of garlic. It reminds me of a garlic story.
A few years ago I rode the train to Boston with 3 Italian girlfriends. They boarded 4o miles north and already had drunk 2 bloody Marys each by the time they reached my stop. I found them by following the exuding scent of garlic and the rowdy laughter.
There were no vampires within a whole train car of those women.
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Jan 22
Birthday dinner was postponed by Winter Storm Warning Number Four. There's 8 inches of new powder. The skis tunnel under the snow like moles in our yard in the spring, just below the visible surface, only with straighter furrows.
Friday, January 21, 2011
To Dante's
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Namesakes do funny things to a person.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Jan 20
Where's the bird feeder?
Wait! Is that fur at one end?
Eew, a stuck squirrel. Is it alive?
Sure enough it gets smaller when I tap on the side of the feeder.
Jim has to take the feeder apart at the base to free the squirrel.
Lucky squirrel!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Full Wolf Moon
Of note:
Minus 5 degrees.
Third winter storm watch.
Truck wouldn't start at gas station pump.
Starter has a "bad spot" on it.
Lost 6+ pounds so far as a member of Weight Watchers.
By tracking everything that goes in the cake hole.
Not only do I track deer and porcupines, but wolves too.
Wolfing down food.
It must be time to sabotage and visit someplace special.
Happy Full Wolf Moon!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Jan 18
Monday, January 17, 2011
Jan 17
I hope you recall the apples placed on the salt stump last week.
That was B.S. (Before Snow). This morning the investigation required skis.
I didn't have to brush anything off. There was one gnawed apple and one whole apple in the hollow of the stump.

A closer inspection reveals little rodent-y teeth. Or a little deer, I suppose, but no tracks. Just a big dog (Not T-Dog) passing by and a little shuffling creature, maybe a porcupine.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Jan 16
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Jan 15
Twice in the night Daisy wanted to go outside.
Coat over pjs,
wool hat,
slip-on shoes with no socks,
out into the 1 degree night,
no wind,
no wind,
Orion above,
the snow crunching like gunshots underfoot.
Both times she stands in the snow
and stares into the woods.
She forgets where she is.
She's cold.
She climbs back onto the porch wanting in.
She hasn't done what she set out to do.
Now she wants her night time treat.
So do I.
Ah, to do what you want to do, (go to bed)
To avoid doing what you do not wish to do, (harm Daisy)
To undo that which you have already done, (dressed for winter)
And a fourth tenet that I seem to have forgotten.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Jan 13
Well, that was fun.
Where would you like to be snowed in?
We chose the lake, with the fireplace, rather than the home with the tractor.
Snow couldn't help but creep in through the cracks in the northeast corner. The weatherman said we didn't make it as a blizzard since the winds were sustained at 35 mph for only 2 hours, and it needs 3 for the definition. Horizontal snow. Daisy still went out frivolously and stared into the wind like a seagull.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Oooh, 1/11/11 at 11:11.
Armistice Day WWI, Balance, Artistic and Inventive Genius,
A positive connection to the mysteries of the universe,
et al.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Jan 10
I played Hungarian and a Sonatina by Clementi. It's funny how the hands fight each other for dominance on the keys, the right stumbling over the fingering and the left ponderous in the bass range. My favorite are the trills. Like patting your stomach with your left hand and rubbing your head with your right.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Jan 9
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Jan 8

That's what one yoga teacher was leading on the morning of New Year's Day. It seemed like a good idea. After just 5 sun salutations the sweat poured off my forehead, burning my eyes like sun gazing might do, if I'd ever done that.
One week into the new year and there are 28 sun salutations completed so far. Eighty more to go. Could be February by the time it's finished. But the results so far include an increase in minutes of daylight, strengthening of the shoulder girdle, an effort to keep the carpet vacuumed at the site of the asana, and an appreciation for someone even thinking they could do 108 repetitions at one time.
The Sun God chants, "Rah, Rah, Rah!"
Friday, January 7, 2011
Jan 7
The Day After Epiphany
Two Days After Twelfth Night
What if things were easier than you thought?
Pay attention!
I resolve to ______________________.
Two Days After Twelfth Night
What if things were easier than you thought?
Pay attention!
I resolve to ______________________.
Twelfth Night marks the end of Christmas or winter carnival beginning on Halloween. It was considered in poor taste or unlucky to leave the Christmas wreaths hanging on display after Epiphany.
When living in Vermont and driving somewhere, I would use a pointer finger combined with a verbal gun noise, and shoot wreaths still hanging on houses or barns. It wasn't a drive just to shoot wreaths, but a drive to work or to the grocery store. It rose to the level of compulsion, like washing hands obsessively or avoiding stepping on sidewalk cracks.
All that has (mostly) passed, and you can be sure that there are no Christmas wreaths remaining on the doors or walls of this place.
This is a Valentine's Wreath.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Jan 6
The measurements of the ice runway average 9 inches with a range of 7.5 to 10 inches. Plenty, I'm told, to hold an airplane weighing almost a ton. But I am frozen to the sofa reading a book and drinking a cuppa, with a sense of ease here that is not felt in the airplane on skis on ice that's 9 inches thick. Maybe another day.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Jan 5
One of the characters, Bharavi, is a Fire Goddess in the Hindu realm. She really would like to go for an airplane ride, but smoke curls off her shoulders when she's stressed. And what if the flight attendants thought there was a fire on the aircraft? What then?
For Christmas, the novelist received this card holder that looks more like a cigarette holder. Maybe this was for Bharavi.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Jan 4
I resolve to think about eating pizza every week after playing piano. (See Jan 3)
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